
Friday, January 4, 2008

Handbag: Does Size Matter ?

I have small children but to my blessing, I have past the diaper bag stage. However, I still tend to carry a medium to larger size bag when the kids are around because I always get the 'here mom, carry this' where ever we go. Drives you crazy doesn't it!!

On the other hand, I'm tired of the big thing so I like the smaller size bags to feel feminine once again. They are so handy especially on those ladies night out or those rare dates with my husband. Did I say rare! We, ladies like to look good and not be overpowered by our purse. Ladies need to carry the basics at all times and that little purse fits the need. We live such hectic lifestyles and are always on the move. We don't want anything big and clunky in the way to slow us down any more than we need to be. If you are carrying a briefcase, portfolios, or your laptop, as well or other business items, you definitely don't want to carry another large item.

Now, there are those super small evening bags that I just haven't figured it out why anyone bothers. You can maybe fit your lipstick in them if you are lucky. I guess it is all in the look. I am the practical type so I don't get it! There are plenty of reasonably sized evening bags that look great. Now ladies, I must say that too many of you buy the little handbags when you should not. I've seen them so crammed with stuff that they look distorted. Break down and buy a larger bag. It will look much neater and we will see the great handbag you're carrying and not a mess.

Gone are the days of the moms carrying the huge bag with everything in it including the kitchen sink. You know, the one's carrying the first aid kit, sewing kit, scissors etc. just as my mom does. Oh, and they need lots of pockets for all that stuff that make them having hard time finding the keys because they don't know which pocket it is in. My mom's a seasoned grandmother and I guess she feels she still needs to carry everything. 'Just in case!' There are plenty of our mothers / grandmothers out there that you know exactly what I'm talking about. I have women buy the cute nice size handbag and then the huge one for their mom. Do you fall into this huge bag syndrome?

Speaking of moms, let us not forget the dedicated new moms of the world. I honor all of you because I've been there done that. These are the women who give up their handbags altogether for the diaper bag. You carry so much around for the kids that you just stuff your wallet in the diaper bag. There's no time for yourself so the lipstick is definitely dropped from the contents of what you carry. Occasionally you try to take back your womanly status and carry a purse but realize fast what a hassle. Diaper bags have changed so much over the years. There are so many fantastic looking diaper bags that really don't look like a diaper bag. They are useful, because that's important, but great looking too.

Now, lets take a look at the younger set. Teenagers and young adults have a mind of their own and a definite taste of their own. They are coming into themselves of who they are and what they want from life. It has better to be a very in and stylish handbag. Don't ever try to buy a handbag for them unless they have seen it and asked for it. Guaranteed you'll be returning it after you've given it to them. They definitely like the smaller cute stylish ones. Not too fancy but very in. No large bag, which might make them feel old or like a mom. The college set will carry the larger bag only for books in school. They appeal to the feminine side instead of the backpacks.

I ask you, where do you fall in the world of handbag size? Are you like, and most ladies out there, got to have them all. I guess you can call it the handbag fetish!!

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